Meet the couple

All about Sean
by Amanda

Sean is my best friend and he’s the greatest! I never thought I would ever meet someone so perfect for me, and I’m thankful that I did! He’s one of the most laid-back easy going people I know, athletic, quiet (around people he doesn’t know), smart, organized, sweet, funny, practical, and honest.  He loves shooting guns, watching tv, and messing with electronics.  Sean hates being hot and sweaty (except when he’s in swim trunks or when he’s working out). His room is always very clean and his clothes neatly folded. Sean is incredibly dedicated, driven, and hard-working. I know he will be very successful at anything he does. He is family-oriented and enjoys spending time at home, which is something I find important. He’s colorblind, but is sometimes better at me at distinguishing navy vs. black. He likes riding his moped and lives in sweatpants during the school year (this is only after I introduced him to the sweatpants world freshman year).  Sean doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth (except for skittles), but I am currently working on him eating desserts J 

by Sean

What is there to say about Amanda? There are so many positive things about her. She is so loving and hates letting people down. When she isn’t working, she is either putting all of her time into pharmacy school or spending it with me. Amanda works so hard and I am proud of how much effort she puts into her education. I try to ease her stress by giving her foot rubs constantly, and I am glad I fit into her busy schedule :)  The little free time she has is usually spent watching her favorite channel the food network. I have learned a lot from watching that channel all the time with her. I love it when she can cook me up a good meal. They are better than my own mom’s. I think Amanda’s perfect day would start with a homemade breakfast or one from Bluebird Diner. It would follow with a morning at a farmers market and continue to a picnic for lunch. There would have to be time to go to the pool for a couple of hours during the day to relax in the sun. I think getting dressed up and having me take her out to dinner would be the next part of the day. It would be ideal to eat outside on a patio too. Finally, the day would end by simply watching TV and lying in bed. I don’t think she would change much from that day and I wouldn't change anything about her. I love Amanda.

Together, Sean and I are perfect for eachother. We have so much in common but enough different to keep our lives exciting. We can just hang out, talk, and laugh for hours. We have countless inside jokes and have similar sense of humor. Sean and I enjoy going out to eat; some of our favorites are sushi, hu-hot, Olive Garden, Pancheros, and Los Portales. Our favorite meal is breakfast. When we lived in Hillcrest we would never miss it. Still, we love going out to breakfast or making breakfast...well me making breakfast. One of our favorite things to do is just relax and sometimes watch tv or play cards. We have have gone through several TV series. Our favorites are Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, and Big Bang Theory. We are huge Hawkeye fans! For most of Sean's life he was a Cyclown fan. He still cheers for Iowa State, but when they are playing Iowa, he's all Hawkeye. We like to go on walks (well Amanda likes it when Sean goes on walks with her). Overall, Sean and I are are so in love and can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together!