Wednesday, October 26, 2011

napkin fail

We have been trying, but not succeeding, to find napkins in the right shade of coral. An idea we had was to dye them ourselves. I had dyed different things before so I didn't think they would be that hard. My mom ordered some white cotton napkins to try it on. We tried a few different "recipes" for different shades or colors.

It was a major fail! They all ended up looking the exact same and they were like a light shade of pink. We were looking for a really saturated coral like the bridemaids' dresses and they most definitely were NOT that color. Now on to plan D...


  1. Have you looked for just cheap fabric to make them??? Just an idea.

  2. Thanks for the idea! We did look into it and found a fabric that was the perfect color, but we decided it was too daunting of a task. lol
