Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the rest of the weekend

I made my way home on Friday morning and once I got home I was greeted by Zoey, my family's dog :) Soon after, my mom and I headed out to West Des Moines to meet my cousin at Weddings by Design to get fitted for my bridesmaid dress for her wedding. I got mine ordered and I also got to see her wedding dress that she ordered....gorgeous!! I wish I got a picture of us three there...I'm still working being better at that!

After the first stop, we went to Gordman's and then to Lemon Tree!

Later that night, my brother made us our dinner. It was part of his class at school. He made burgers, cheesy potato casserole, and steamed broccoli. It was really good!

After dinner, we went for a walk with the 2 dogs. (We also had our family friend's dog for the weekend, Callie. Her and Zoey are from the same litter. They play so well with each other and it's sometimes funny to watch them!

Later, Diane, Jana, Matt, and Garrett came over. We watched some Say Yes to the Dress, played, and talked.

Jana, Matt, and Garrett

Garrett with his marshmallow
Saturday morning my mom and I met with Missy out at the Enrichment center. We kind of picked out what type of arrangements and decorations we wanted and where to put them. I think the meeting went great! I always enjoy hearing Missy's ideas! She always has so many good ones!

Right after the meeting we went to Walmart, remember our visit, here. And then my mom took my brother, Abby, and I to the Science Center. I really enjoyed it!! The new exhibit was Body Worlds Vital. It was all about the human body. The exhibit had full human bodies that had been dissected so all you could see was the muscles, and sometimes the organs. It also had lots of like paper thin slices of body parts, a healthy vs. smoker's lung, a healthy liver vs. fatty liver, etc. I won't go into anymore detail in case it might gross you out. But, I really enjoyed it and found it fascinating!! I think that means I'm in the right field :)

another thing it focused on was health and the differences between countries' eating habits
Sunday morning, we made waffles for breakfast, went on a walk, and went to church. After church my dad made salads. They were yummy!

 After lunch, I headed back to Iowa City to still catch up on stuff from last week and got stuff ready for this week. It was really great to be home and just relax with my family :)

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