Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sean got a job!

This past Friday Sean signed his contract with HNI in Muscatine!

Here is the timeline:
May 2011: Sean graduated with a BBA in Management Information Systems.

June 2011: Sean worked/lived in Muscatine for HNI.

August 2011: He began his masters program through Upper Iowa University. He will finish in December of 2013.

September 23, 2011: He signed his contract! HNI must have liked him so much :)

As you can tell by the timeline, he is currently taking classes online and is starting a full time job. I thought I was busy...not anymore that I am no longer working :) But, he gets up for work at 5:30 in the morning, leaves for work, gets to work about 7:00, works, leaves work, gets home about 5:00 in the evening, we have dinner, he studies until around 8 or 9, we get to hang out for a little while, and then he goes to bed. Repeat x 4.

Another thing. Muscatine is about 45 to 50 minutes from our apartment. I hate commuting! I don't know how he does it! 

I am so proud of all of his accomplishments! He has worked hard (even almost got a 4.0 his last semester!) and now it has payed off!! Go Sean!

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